Sunday 17 February 2013

Off line

   It’s a while since I posted anything to this blog.
   We have been unable to access any popular websites for some time due to a problem with the satellite through which we are connected to the outside world. Google, Yahoo and Facebook have been inaccessible but little-used sites have still opened, though rather slowly. I don’t use Facebook myself so I haven’t missed that and I’ve still been able to keep up with the news and other essentials (cricket and football) - but without Google I’ve been unable to post to the blog.
   Our internet provider has told us that someone is “trying to resolve the issue” whatever that might mean. How do you repair a satellite? It conjures up visions of an astronaut with a toolbox flying up and tinkering around with a screwdriver to fix the offending part but I suppose it is not quite like that!
   Anyway, we’ve found that we can access Google this afternoon (Sunday afternoon), presumably because there are not many other users right now, so I’ll try to download a blog entry I wrote a while back but couldn’t post. If it works, I’ll try again next weekend – or whenever that man in the overalls and the space helmet finishes work on the satellite.

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